Friday, February 8, 2013

Irrelevant reflections before class

...isn't it interesting how, the instant you need to do something requiring the dormitory internet, it goes on the blink? That was last night. It was fun! And by that I mean I went "Stuff this!" and went to sleep instead. 

Or consider socks. I don't know if this is common, but I live in a state of constantly needing new socks. I'm not sure how I do this; I buy enormous quantities of the things, but somehow I never have enough, and all of them have holes in the toes. It's tempting to propose shoe-monsters living in the toes of my sneakers as the culprits. 

Or how the amount of work you get done on a given day is inversely proportionate to the amount of time you have free to get said work done. That's loads of fun too! 

In other words, things are proceeding as crazily as usual and I really ought to be going to class. 

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