Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Launch Day!

Weather is out today!

Julian and his world have been kicking around in my head for the last three years or so, and to finally get the little sneak out of the house and into the real world has always been my goal--while some of my projects were written with the express goal of leaving them to moulder under my bed when I was done, Weather was always intended for publication. At least, so I hoped.

And now I'm a day away from strangers (who aren't being paid to do it!) reading the book. I'm torn between hooting and hollering and having an (illegal) glass of champagne and hiding under the bed going "I hope no one notices the historical inaccuracy of the dirigibles/attitudes/Julian's left nostril, oh god I hope there's not someone ACTUALLY named Julian Lambert..." 

That aside, thank you to everyone who has helped and supported me, to my advisor, who's put up with me being completely scatterbrained over the last two quarters, to my parents, godparents and extended family for encouraging me to pursue both scientific and literary careers, to the various wonderful people I've lived with and been friends with, and to the older and more experienced authors who have been my inspirations and my mentors, whether over the course of years or an hour's conversation at a convention. Oh, and to my current housemates, who have had to put up with me playing the theme from a certain animated TV show on repeat for the last two weeks.

Now to go deal with the fact I can't get one of my marketing tools to work before I get in trouble with the publisher!

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