Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Nova Albion Steampunk Exhibition

This weekend I got to do my first convention as an author and it was wonderful. I cannot recommend the experience enough! The convention in question was the Nova Albion Steampunk Exhibition in Santa Clara.

I almost didn't go; my college is a good six hours away by car, seven and a bit by train, and neither I nor my companions had our drivers licenses yet (well, one did, but she had just driven up from San Diego the night before, and so it was less than kind to saddle her with yet another lengthily drive the next day). So we took the train.

I, a train noob, am now convinced that train is the most supremely civilized way to travel. It was quiet and surprisingly fast and, above all, comfortable. And you meet the nicest people. One of my companions wound up talking to her seat partner for the better part of the return trip, to our neglect. And, oh, yes, the views look like this.
Somewhere north of San Luis Obispo

Once we arrived, we had a bit of a scramble, as the registration desk had closed before our train had turned up! The convention staff were very kind, though, and we still managed to get our badges and attend the opening night ball.

Due to the vagaries of class and of trains, we were only able to stay one day. But it was more than worth it. It was my first purely steampunk convention, and a wonderful introduction to the steampunk community as a whole. I was able to talk to both the inestimable Gail Carriger and the brilliant J. Daniel Sawyer about marketing and other authorly issues, and somehow managed to avoid fangirling absurdly at the both of them (at least, I hope). Hopefully, I will one day be able to do for another young author what they have done for me. (In the meantime, I have an awful lot of internet work to do!)
Real world work, too. One of the bits of beaded trim fell apart on me in the middle of the convention!

Weather launches tomorrow. It seems a little unreal now, back in my little apartment with the vegetarian housemate rattling around in the kitchen and the entire place smelling of ant spray (guess what invaded over the weekend?) and a pile of very modern laundry on the bed. I can't wait until next year. Who knows, maybe I'll be marketing book two...

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