Wednesday, June 19, 2013


As demanded by familial obligation, we are in Seattle this week visiting relatives. This means lots of interesting food; we've not been in the city twelve hours and already we've found amazing Thai food and gummi candy shaped like lips. 

I also got to hear Grandma Winter's story about how she poured water all over someone who was rude to her, a story that, while I've never heard it before, hardly surprises me. This is, after all, the same Grandma Winter who routinely intimidated entire police stations by knitting. (Yes, really. Go ahead and ask Robin Winter if you doubt me).

Weird thing about being this far north: the days are far longer than expected, and it is really green. As most of this spring has consisted of panic over fires, this is a welcome change. I regret on this trip that I cannot go and explore the city of Seattle proper....but all things in their time. In the present, there is Thai food. 

Even if I am a little scared to try the lips.

Also we have an awesome hotel room...

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