Friday, March 29, 2013

Sponge cakes and cranky cars

I got my last round of edits for Weather in on Wednesday and then got the next few days off, which meant I finally had time to do the thing I had intended to at the beginning of spring break--work on getting my driver's license. (This endeavor is one that has spanned several years. I am clumsy and get right and left mixed up and the family car has a manual can see where this is going, can't you?)

So I went and ran errands with Mom. Now, this would have turned out all fine and dandy, but our car, an aging pickup truck ten years my senior, decided to develop an issue. Namely, every time I put her into neutral, she stalled and the engine died. To those unfamiliar with cars, every time you come to a complete stop, you put the car in neutral by depressing the clutch. Otherwise, you guessed it, the engine dies.

The solution in this case was to race the engine while stopped. So I got a bit of a workout, and doubtless puzzled my fellow drivers. Long story short, the car is going to the mechanic on Monday, and I am looking forward to NEVER having to do that again! I hope.

And then I came home and made a sponge cake. I share this with you because there is nothing sillier than a cooling sponge cake. Observe:

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